Report an Emergency
To report a water or sewer emergency please call the 24-hour Emergency Line.
Report Illegal Dumping

Most catch basins connect to storm drains that discharge without treatment to the nearest brook, river, pond or ocean. The dumping of any material such as motor oil, paint, yard clippings, pet waste and sand into a catch basin can pollute the waterways and is illegal.
If you observe someone dumping in a catch basin, immediately report it to BWSC.
Report Water Theft
BWSC is committed to providing high-quality water and sewer services at the lowest possible cost to its customers. Water theft can compromise this commitment.
Theft of water by tampering with or bypassing water meters costs BWSC thousands of dollars a year and imposes costs on paying customers. Water theft is a serious offense and can result in significant fines, as well as criminal or civil prosecution by BWSC.
To address this illegal activity, Revenue Protection is dedicated to locating and eliminating water theft. Customer assistance in locating illegal connections is always appreciated and encouraged. Tenants of apartment houses or buildings are also encouraged to report any signs of water theft.
The following conditions may cause BWSC to be suspicious of water theft:
- Meter readings that are lower than previous readings
- Low consumption based on knowledge of average water consumption
- Refusal of access into a property for BWSC employees to inspect water meter or service
If you are aware of water theft taking place in a property or are suspicious that water theft may be occurring, please contact Revenue Protection.
Report a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO)
A sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) is an unintentional discharge, spill or release of untreated sewage into the environment or property. SSOs are also known as sewer backups and the resulting flooding can cause damage to property and pollute the environment. Raw sewage is dangerous because it contains bacteria and other hazardous microorganisms. Touching or walking through contaminated areas can bring germs into uncontaminated areas of your home. Children and pets are especially vulnerable.
If you observe an SSO, immediately report it to BWSC.
If you experience an SSO:
- Avoid contact with the sanitary flow
- Report any SSO to BWSC
- Use caution while cleaning following a backup or contact a cleaning contractor
See Cleanup Procedures after a Sewer Backup for more information.
Sewer Backup Cleanup Procedures