Activities that take place at industrial facilities are often exposed to the weather. As runoff from rain or snowmelt comes into contact with these activities, it can pick up pollutants and transport them into the municipal storm drain system or directly into Boston waterways. As authorized by the Clean Water Act, EPA’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program controls water pollution by regulating point sources, such as industrial facilities, that discharge pollutants. In order to minimize the impact of these discharges, the NPDES program includes an industrial stormwater permitting component that mandates businesses with specific SIC codes to NPDES permitting requirements.
Do I Need a Stormwater Permit?
All industrial companies are responsible for either:
filing a Notice of Intent(eNOI) with the EPA, or filing for a No Exposure Certification if the company meets specific requirements.
Federal regulations identify stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity that require authorization under a “NPDES industrial stormwater permit for stormwater discharges." Construction sites are permitted separately.
For more information continue to the EPA website.
Who Should Apply for a Permit?
The owner, developer, or general contractor can apply for the permit. All parties with day-to-day responsibility for site operations should submit a Notice of Intent as co-permittees following the initial permit application.
NOTE: An authorized representative must certify the plan.
What to Do if You Need a Permit
BWSC implemented a program to develop an inventory and inspect industrial sites in the City of Boston in 2012. Many facilities have already been inspected and information on the program has been provided.
Notice of Intent
If you do not meet the “no exposure exclusion” requirements explained below, file a Notice of Intent(eNOI).
No Exposure Requirements
To determine if your facility meets the requirements for the "no exposure" exception, use the links below. This would exclude you from an NPDES industrial stormwater permit, provided that you file the No Exposure Certificate every five years.
Stormwater Phase II Rule: Conditional No Exposure Exclusion for Industrial Activity (Fact Sheet 4.0)
If you meet these requirements file for your certificate using the form below:
NPDES Form 3510-11: No Exposure Certification for Exclusion from NPDES
To check the status of your application click here:
Search, Sort, and View NOIs
Should you require assistance with the EPA website or have additional questions regarding the industrial stormwater permitting requirements, please contact the regional office for Boston at 617-918-1615.