The following guidelines have been developed to help protect your home and/or business from water damage:
- Elevate heating and hot water systems using a masonry base at least 12 inches above flood level
- Electrical panels and utilities also should be relocated to an area above the flood panel
- If space is not high enough to allow elevation of the utility, try to move it to an upper floor or attic space
- Build a floodwall around basement windows to protect the basement from low-level flooding
- Anchor fuel tanks to prevent them from floating or overturning
- If there is a catch basin in front of your home, try to keep leaves and debris off of the top of it to help prevent street and overland flooding during heavy rainstorms
- Install a floating floor-drain plug at the lowest part of the basement or the lowest finished floor to reduce backups. When the floor drainpipe backs up, the float rises and plugs the drain
- Install backwater valves on all plumbing fixtures located below street grade
The Backwater Valve pamphlet explains why these are needed and how to have them installed.
If your basement or home is flooded, remember that electricity will go to ground through any good conductor: metal, liquid or you. Stay out of its path. NEVER touch appliances or wires when hands or feet are wet.