Special Service Fees Table
Service | Fee |
Water and Sewer Lien Certificate* | $150.00 Maximum |
Return Payment Processing Fee | $25.00 |
Cross Connection Inspection Fee* | $155.00 |
Administrative Processing Fee* | $65.00 |
Installation Application Fee | Cost Basis (Size of Pipe 3/4 inch , 1 inch, 1 1/2 inches) |
Excavation | Cost Basis, $900.00 deposit required |
Fire Pipe Excavation | Cost Basis, $2,500 deposit required |
Water/Sewer Pipe Inspection (Monday - Saturday, regular hours)* | $380.00 per connect or disconnect |
Water/Sewer Pipe Inspection (Monday - Saturday, overtime rate)* | $445.00 per connect or disconnect |
Water/Sewer Pipe Inspection (Sundays/Holidays)* | $510.00 per connect or disconnect |
Water & Sewer Construction Multi-day Inspection (Monday - Saturday, regular hours)* | $1,105.00 per diem |
Water & Sewer Construction Multi-day Inspection (Monday - Saturday, overtime rate)* | $1,290.00 per diem |
Water & Sewer Construction Multi-day Inspection (Sundays/Holidays)* | $1,475.00 per diem |
Water Turn-off* | $40.00 |
Water Turn-on* | $40.00 |
Termination Notice Fee* | $80.00 |
Fire Flow Test | $645.00 |
Temporary Connection Permit* | $100.00 per 90-day period or fraction thereof, plus water usage $750.00 deposit required |
Hydrant Permit* | $100.00 per 90-day period or fraction thereof, plus water usage $750.00 deposit required |
Street Sweeper Hydrant Permit* | $2,125 Annually (July1 - June 30) |
Special Meter Test* | Cost Basis |
Drain Layer's License | $150.00 |
Drain Layer's License Renewal | $100.00 |
Construction Plans & Drawings* | $6.00 |
Frozen Meter Replacement* | Cost Basis |
Water Meter 3 Inches and Larger Installed | Cost Basis |
Sewer Abatement Meter Installed | Cost Basis |
Meter Transmission Unit Installed (MTU) | Cost Basis |
Leak Up To Owner (LUTO) | Cost Basis |
Grease Trap Permit Fee | $155.00 annually |
Hydrants* | Cost Basis |
Industrial Stormwater Inspection Fee* | Cost Basis |
As-Built Plans* | $460.00 Per site |
* see note below
Special Fire Pipe Services
A fire pipe/standpipe is part of a private fire protection system installed by a property owner.
Size of Connection | Daily Charge |
4 inches or smaller | $0.99 |
6 inches | $2.25 |
8 inches or larger | $4.00 |
Special Service Fee Notes
Water, Sewer and Stormwater Lien Certificate
In accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 60, Section 23B:
"...for land of less than one acre upon which there is no permanent structure, a fee of twenty-five dollars; for land upon which is situated no more than a single-family residence and outbuildings, a fee of twenty-five dollars; for land upon which is situated no more than a two-family residence and outbuildings, a fee of twenty-five dollars; for land upon which is situated no more than a three-family residence with outbuildings, a fee of twenty-five dollars; for land upon which is situated a residence for four or more families, a fee of one hundred dollars; for land upon which is situated a commercial, industrial or public utility structure, a fee of one hundred and fifty dollars; for farms, forest land and all other real property, a fee of fifty dollars. In no case shall the fee exceed one-half of one percent of the assessed value of the real estate...."
Cross Connection Inspection Fee
An annual inspection is required for all double-check valve assembly type backflow prevention devices. All other types require semi-annual inspection.
Administrative Processing Fee
Where hazardous and potentially life-threatening conditions exist in a property requiring a cross connection inspection, the property owner, after BWSC pre-approval, may engage the services of an MDEP certified cross-connection inspector to perform the requisite inspection. After completion of the inspection and receipt of the report, BWSC will assess an administrative fee to process the mandatory paperwork required by law.
Water Pipe Inspection
For inspections that take place during regular work hours, will be charged $380.00, inspections are done outside regularly scheduled work hours (overtime), will be charged $445.00, inspections that are done on Sundays or holidays will be charged $510.00 per connection or disconnection.
Multi-day Inspection
A daily fee is assessed while providing water and sewer inspection services on construction projects of one or more day's duration.
Water Turn-off
Not applicable if an account was terminated for non-payment of charges.
Water Turn-on
Applicable to any account requesting water turn-on services.
Termination Notice Fee
Charge for mailing and posting final termination notice and demand for payment pursuant to the Billing, Termination and Appeal Regulations of BWSC.
Temporary Connection (Hydrant Permit)
BWSC currently requires a $750.00 deposit for hydrant meters issued to private contractors. The deposits are refundable upon return of hydrants less any usage fees or charges for damage to the meter. On occasion, a hydrant meter is not returned to BWSC because it has been lost, stolen or misplaced. Other times a hydrant meter may be returned with a broken, damaged or frozen insert that causes it to under-register or not register water consumption at all. In both these instances, BWSC is unable to calculate the amount of water used. Staff recommends that a standard $400.00 water usage fee be applied in these circumstances.
Hydrant Meter Replacement Cost
Check Valve $125.00
Hose Cap Reducer 2 ½ x ¾ $100.00
Hose Nipple $150.00
Hydrant Cap $240.00
Meter Insert $400.00
Hydrant Meter Lost/Broken $1,800.00
Hydrant Wrench $150.00
Special Meter Test
No charge if the meter is over-registering, based on American Water Works Association standards, or BWSC ordered a test.
Size of Meter Test Fee
- 5/8 inch: $470.00
- 1 inch: $585.00
- 1 ½ inches: $950.00
- 2 inches: $1,140.00
- 3 inches or larger: Cost plus Materials
Construction Plans & Drawings
Maps, drawings, and prints may be obtained from BWSC on request. Public agencies and BWSC consultants and contractors (on bid projects only) receive maps at no charge. The cost per map is detailed below:
Base Maps
- Prints: $6.00/sheet
- Paper Sepias: $6.00/sheet
- Mylar Sepias*: $50.00/set plus printer’s charge
- Wash off Mylars*: $50.00/set plus printer’s charge
* Sold to government agencies only
Water and Sewer Maps
- Prints: $6.00/sheet
- Paper Sepias: $6.00/sheet
- Mylar Sepias: Not Available
- Wash off Mylars: Not Available
* Sold to government agencies only
Digital Images
- Orthophotographs One foot resolution: (Mr. SID)
- Citywide Area: $300.00
- Not Available by tile area
- 100 foot scale PDFs of Water & Sewer Facilities
- Citywide Area: $250.00
- By Tile Area: $6.00/map tile
Data Layers
- Personal Geodatabase:
- Citywide Area: $150.00 per layer
- By Tile Area: $20.00
- Water AutoCAD DXF format:
- Citywide Area: $250.00
- By Tile Area: $5.00
- Sewer AutoCAD DXF format:
- Citywide Area: $250.00
- By Tile Area: $5.00
- Landbase AutoCAD DXF format:
- Citywide Area: $250
- By Tile Area: $5.00
Frozen Meter Replacement
The replacement cost of frozen meters by size:
Size of Meter Replacement Cost
- 5/8 inch: $390.00
- 1 inch: $510.00
- 1 ½ inches: $880.00
- 2 inches: $1,065.00
- 3 inches or larger: Cost plus Materials
Leak Up To Owner (LUTO)
Associated cost for services based on annual contract bid.
BWSC requires that hydrants used for private fire protection be purchased from BWSC at cost.
Industrial Stormwater Fees
Industrial stormwater inspections are scheduled bi-annually. The inspections are required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the prevention of pollution to rivers, lakes, streams, and oceans. This is an Industrial Facility Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program Inspection Fee Schedule (IFSPP).
Major Industry (1 acre or greater):
- Initial Inspection $260.00
- Bi-annual Inspection $225.00
- Certificate of No Exposure $115.00
Minor Industry/Business (less than 1 acre):
- Initial Inspection $150.00
- Bi-annual Inspection $150.00
- Certificate of No Exposure $75.00
As-Built Plans
BWSC requires an as-built plan for each approved site plan. The as-built plans are to be submitted by the owner for all projects deemed complex by BWSC. All other as-built plans will be created by BWSC for a fee of $460.00 per site. BWSC will determine which site plans will require an as-built plan submitted by the owner or an as-built plan to be created by BWSC for $460.00.